Saturday 11 August 2018


Student Name: Mohammad Hasan
Class: VI-D
School Name: Cambridge Public School, Bangalore
Activity: History Project

Chinese Civilization

1. About Chinese Civilization
The Chinese civilization is located in China. It was formed 4500 years ago. China is a vast country with geographical features, mountain ranges, deserts and coastlands. Among all the great river systems of China, the Yellow River to the north and Yangtze to the south which have given birth to Chinese Civilization.

2. Timeline of Ancient Chinese History
1766 BCE – Found of historic dynasty in China, Shang Dynasty.
1122 BCE – Western Chou Dynasty founded after overthrow of last Shang King.
771 BCE – Eastern Chou Dynasty began after the sack of Western Chou Capital.
221 BCE – The first Emperor, Qin Shi Huang Di completed of all other Chinese sites.
202 BCE – The Han Dynasty founded after several years of chaos following Qin Shi Hang Di.
220 CE – Fall of Han Dynasty.

3. Formation
The Hwang River is said to be ‘Cradle of Civilization. It was considered as both blessings and curse for Ancient Chinese. It was called China’s Sorrow or China’s Bad Luck. It brought prosperity for Chinese by turning the soil fertile by deposition of silt.

4. Shang Dynasty
Shang Dynasty or Yin Dynasty, ruled in Yellow river valley in second millennium BC, succeeding Xia Dynasty and followed Chou Dynasty. It also started in Bronze Age and continued till Iron Age.

5. Chou Dynasty
The Chou Dynasty or the Zhou Dynasty was a Chinese Dynasty that followed the Shang Dynasty and preceded Qin Dynasty. This dynasty lasted longer than any other dynasty. It lasted initially from 1046 BC until 771 BC for a period known as Western Chou and political sphere of influence it created that continued the Eastern Chou for another 500 years.

6. Spring and Autumn Period
The spring and autumn period was a period in Chinese History from approximately from 771 to 476 BC. China decentralized as local military leaders used by Chou Dynasty began to assert their power and fought for dominance.

7. Features of Chinese Civilization
7.1 Society
Some features of Chinese Society are:
v   The Chinese Civilization consisted of a hierarchal representation, with ruler at top and high officials and so on.
v   The army of soldiers was respected and enjoyed a special position in Chinese Society.
v    Some people like Nobles, Merchants, artisans and farmers followed the emperor in hierarchical order.
v   The slaves were at the bottom of the hierarchy.

7.2 Economy
7.2.1 Agriculture
Crops such as rice, wheat, barley and millet were grown. They were first one to cultivate coffee and tea. It is also known as Cha or Chai and became popular in Asian Countries. Two main crops rice and millet were grown in Ancient Chinese. In the beginning they used hand for harvesting and planting. This takes a lot of time. Later, they developed tools such as shovel, spade and plow.

7.2.2 Sericulture
China was the first country to raise silkworms and produce silk. The silk weaving technique of Chinese was mastered and remained a secret. They also used this for exporting

7.2.3 Art & Craft
v   The Chinese art and craft consisted of pottery tools, porcelain items, paper-cutting etc. They made beautiful cups, saucers, vases, jars and bowls that were made up of porcelain.
v   They also did various types of painting.
v   They also did handicraft which included woodwork, textiles, jade carvings, bronze objects, making gold and silver were mastered by Chinese.

7.2.4 Trade
Trade also formed a main part of Chinese Economy. The ancient China traded through the Silk route or Silk Road and exported items such as teas, salt, sugar, gold, silver, porcelain and spices. They transported Silk through the Central Asia, Medeterian Region and Roman Empire.
Carts and boats were a chief means of transportation. Horse drawn carriages were also used.

7.2.5 Religion
v   During Bronze Age, tey worshipped several gods and most important was of all of them was Shang Ti (Supreme God)
v   They paid respect to holy priests(oracles).
v   Ancestors worship were important.
v   After Bronze Age, Chinese religion focused on Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Confucius was a great Chinese philosopher who laid popular religious beliefs such as Confucianism. It became a very popular and state religion of China.
v   Taoism originated in china around 2000 years ago. It is popularly known as Yin and Yang.
v   Later, Buddhism had also become a popular religion in Ancient China.

7.2.6 Chinese Script
The Chinese developed a form of writing known as phonograms or pictograms. It used 40,000 word pictures.
It was also known as logograms. These scripts were actually found on oracle (holy priests) bones.

7.2.7 Architecture
The most spectacular and famous architectural construction was ‘Great Wall Of China’. This wall was built by Shih Huang – Ti, in 3rd century. It was stretching 6700 km and is world’s first largest architecture. Pagodas and stupa style temple architecture were also common in China.

8. Inventions of Chinese Civilization.
v   China was first to make paper.
v   Invention of gunpowder was another achievement
v   They also invented mariner’s compass.
v   In CE 132 Zhang Hang built the world’s first seismograph to record earthquakes.
v   They also recorded lunar and solar eclipses. They also developed a calendar with 365 days and 12 months.
v   They were first one to invent abacus.

9. Decline of the Civilization
The decline of the civilization resulted in more population and weak government, a frail economy and invasion.

10. Bibliography
Shang Dynasty-
Chou Dynasty-
Spring and Autumn Period-
Features of Chinese Civilization-
Society, Economy, Trade, Religion, Chinese  script, Agriculture, Architecture, Sericulture-
Inventions of Chinese civilization-

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